Lorraine Library
Emma Mooney '28
The Shea Center runs two major competitions each year: the Elevator Pitch Competition and the Strakosch Venture Competition. Both of these competitions are open to all Boston College undergraduate students.
Got an idea that will change the world? Here’s your chance to get started. Apple, Microsoft, Dell, and Facebook were all founded by students. BC alumni have consistently been involved in high-impact ventures ranging from the founding of Netscape to the creation of the iPod.
60 seconds
15 Teams
$1,500 in Awards
Each team will prepare a 60 second pitch for their business idea and will present it in front of a panel of experienced entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists, who will determine the best pitches. Cash prizes will be given to the winners. It’s just as easy, and fun, as it sounds.
Lorraine Library
Emma Mooney '28
Lucas Schmidt '26
Henry Wang '25
Crowd Choice
JP Dargati '28
The Strakosch Venture Competition is a university-wide business plan competition designed to promote and support entrepreneurship at Boston College.
With mentoring from experienced alumni and faculty, students develop and implement the skills necessary to start successful businesses. Several sessions throughout the year offer additional coaching and advice from entrepreneurs, law partners, venture capitalists, and other executives.
From experiences alumni and faculty
Business Plans
Learn how to develop a detailed plan to implement your idea
$20,000 in Awards
Business plans are submitted for judging and finalists are chosen to present their plans to a panel of judges consisting of executives and entrepreneurial experts. The first place team will receive $10,000, second place $5,000, third place $3,000, and the crowd favorite team will receive $2,000. Many participants have gone on to leverage their ideas and learning to launch and grow real businesses!
Spore by Vitaliti
Zarah Lakhani '24
Ted Wind '25
Justin Walker '26
Crowd Choice
Arnaud Attencia '25
Watch the 2021 finalist pitches and announcement of the winners
Edmund H. Shea Jr. Center for Entrepreneurship
Carroll School of Management, Boston College
245 Beacon Street, Room 202
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3809